Jan 29, 2009

Weslie's school program:)

Today I left work to go see Weslie in her U.S. history program. She was a 50's girl who danced to the song The Twist. She looked so cute with her puddle skirt on. I was so happy and proud of her. At the end they had a slideshow showing people who have served the country. Kris (brother) was on the slideshow. I was so happy to see him and glad that weslie knew she had a GREAT dad! Here are some pictures of her!!


Justine said...

She looks so cute, looks like she had a really good part in the program. That's awesome you were able to go.

campmom said...

Weslie looks so cute!! Wish I could have been there. Thanks Meela for all you do to support the family.
love you, Mom xoxoxo