Aug 22, 2008

Lagoon Day!

Today was my Lagoon day for work. Ben invited his cousin Dave and I took my nephew Brenton. We had so much fun just hangout with all the staff, and friends. We had tons of food, and sweets more then I could handle. We stayed all day soaking up the sun. Here are some pictures of our fun day at Lagoon:-)


Justine said...

You and Ben are so cute together! I'm so happy for the both of you. I remember you talking about getting married in high school. Too funny!! You always did like those white boys. You got a hot one girl!

Jon said...

Meela, as awesome as your blog is you've got way to much music going on. . . At least get rid of duck hunt because it plays while the other stuff is going on.

Anyway, Lagoon is the happiest place on earth! You two rock!